Free Qigong Healing Video!
This is a virtual energy healing video we created in 2010. Hope you enjoy it and it helps. With love.
Ho’oponopono Prayer / 108 Repetitions For Deep Healing & Forgiveness / Powerful Mantra Meditation
For me, this practice goes all the way back to something Master Lin used in Spring Forest Qigong. Reflecting on the deep interconnection of everyone and everything, i.e. understanding that we are all One, we can take 100% responsibility for everything. We are then able to clear all the wrongs we have done, cleanse ourselves from all karmic debts, offer love, and harmonize our relationships.
This simple, beautiful Hawaiian prayer uses four simple but powerful phrases, “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you and I love you”. Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a Hawaiian energetic balancing practitioner and psychologist, used this approach, called Self I-Dentity Ho’oponopono, to significantly improve the health of an entire ward of violent, mentally ill criminals over a four-year period of time at the Hawaii State Hospital. The word Ho’oponopono means ‘making things right.’
Lemurian Home Coming – Anders Holte
Akebono Scale Key of E
Just a lovely, deeply soothing 3:24 video.
Sword Fingers
Master Lin demonstrates how to use sword fingers to help yourself and others return to improved health. The video includes useful effects that help you to visualize the clearing of energy blockages.
I love you
An energy healing video of people off the street saying, I love you from their hearts.