Business Talk Radio Interview 12-04-19

Lynn is a facilitator of healing and an entrepreneur who helps humanity heal, and awaken to the divine within.
She holds space to help people, communities, homes and land heal. She helps spiritual authors run their businesses in an inspired and effective way.
In 2011, Lynn held space for a man who suffered for over 40 years with severe chronic back pain. Orthopedic surgeons recommended surgery. After just a 20-minute healing, his pain disappeared completely. Six years later, when she saw him again, he was still without pain, completely healed.
After experiencing five minutes of a community energy healing, one person said, “It was amazing! I think I just experienced my Kundalini moving,” and reported reducing from an eight level in stress and a seven level in pain, to zero in both categories.
Lynn’s grandfather developed Jello and she is a third-generation entrepreneur. She has started and run seven companies. At Clinical Research Group, Inc., they contributed almost 200 marketing plans that helped some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies double their clinical trial enrollment rates.
Lynn was the president of a $10-million publicly-traded company, C.P. Rehab Corp., and prior to that, the top salesperson in two other healthcare companies. One of her authors is a Nautilus Book Awards Winner and the first two books from ttlharmony Publishing are Amazon #1 Best Sellers.
Lynn nurtures her spirit by living with Nature on top of a mountain in North Carolina.

Lynn “walks her talk.” Her food is her medicine and she can’t remember the last time she had even an aspirin. She feels healthier and more vibrant today than 20 or more years ago.

A muscle-testing demonstration with Jack Canfield, one of the best-selling authors of all time, who has sold over half a billion books worldwide with the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

While Lynn is not a licensed medical provider, she has been trained in several spiritual and healing modalities. She is an ordained minister with the Order of Melchizedek, a nonreligious service order of people who are here to serve the Earth.
Lynn earned her B.A. in Psychology from Antioch College in 1973. More recently, she has taken a steady and sequential series of courses and certified training programs to support competencies as she is living her soul plan. Lynn was one of the first ten people to earn certification as a Level II Touching the Light and Living Light Symbols multidimensional energy healer, a two-year intensive mentorship. She is a certified Spring Forest Qigong Master Healer, a graduate of the Enlightened Business Academy, an Advanced ThetaHealer™, a certified Agent of Conscious Evolution, and a certified Angel Healer Practitioner™. Lynn completed the Angel News Network’s Life Mastery course and attended the 2015 Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit. She is a Certified Coach from the Robbins-Madanes Strategic Intervention Core 100 Training and a Certified Strategic Intervention Coach from the Strategic Intervention Boot Camp. She is certified in Wilderness First Aid from Wilderness Emergency Medicine, she completed the Healthy Aging Workshop and Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul with Deepak Chopra, The Healing Path with Anthony William, Shifting from Fear to Love with Gabrielle Bernstein, 21 Days of Prayer to Change Your Life with Angela Montano, Chakras Made Easy with Sonia Choquette and The Ancient Art of Self-Healing by the Global Healing Institute.