Business Talk Radio Interview 12-04-19
Do you have physical or emotional pain?
“I’m Lacell Porter. I had a bad back for over 40 years. I’d been to chiropractors, orthopedic surgeons, and other specialists – they all recommended surgery. I didn’t take the surgery and, thank God, I met Lynn. And to this day, thank God, it’s disappeared, it’s gone, there’s no more pain.” — Lacell Porter, Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 3, 2011
Six years later, I stopped by to see how Lacell was doing and was overjoyed to discover he’s robust and hard at work. It appears he’s completely and permanently healed from 40 years of chronic back pain. We’ll probably get a better video to follow, but for now, here is a quick revisit with Lacell six years later.
May 26, 2017
“❤️❤️ I received an “energy healing treatment” from Lynn Bachrach on Sept. 9, 2017 in her Asheville home after suffering from lower back pain, which had been occurring all too frequently in the previous three years. I’d see a chiropractor at least once a month for relief. I wasn’t sure if she could help, especially during a session where her hands were above my body on the therapy table. But I was open.
By that evening the pain seemed to be gone, but it wasn’t until I woke up the next day and sprang out of bed like a spring chicken, it suddenly occurred to me, “Maybe this really worked.” When the pain did not return a few days later, even after a cramped plane ride and some road travel, I knew it had worked.
Then I forgot all about it and four months later, I suddenly realized, I haven’t been to my chiropractor in all that time. I said to myself, “Wow, Lynn really rooted that out!”
And since then I’ve only been back to the chiropractor just a few times, but it was for upper back pain that I had brought on by too strenuous bench pressing. The type of lower back that I went to her with has not reoccurred, and it’s now been nearly a year and a half later.
I’d also add that in late 2018 I took a six-week trip from Tahoe to San Francisco to Tokyo to Thailand (three cities) and to Cambodia, trekking miles over Angkor Wat. With all the different beds, plane and train rides during that time, I’d normally expect to come back after the 27-hour flight home dying to get to the chiropractor. Not this time. I was fine.” — John Dolen, Davie, FL, February 25, 2019
“Amazing immediate healing
I had a persistent pain in my lower back area for about a month. It was sharp enough that I had to take pain medication which I dislike doing. Lynn had sent me remote healing about two weeks in and it significantly dulled the pain but the truly ✨amazing✨ part happened yesterday when I had a remote/video healing session from Lynn and her two beautiful magical canine daughters.
At the point where she “removed” the energetic cause of the pain I felt icy cold chills through my whole body. (Like a cleaning shower.) Then starting last night – I could feel this bizarre (but not unpleasant) sensation of whatever it was being released from my body (in the spot where the pain had previously resided.) It is still going on slightly this morning – feels like tiny air bubbles leaving through that spot. (That is just the best way I can describe it – it’s not literally air bubbles.) It feels gentle.
I am utterly amazed at how immediate this healing was. I work with energy myself and in my experience it tends to be rare for something so drastic to occur this quickly.
Lynn is a very dear close friend of mine and I have received some wonderful transformative healings from her in the past and now this one which blew me away. Her abilities are out of this world amazing!
I also received practical advice for a sore throat (not serious but it was addressed along with the main pain.) Some of the recommendations for that included salt water, eating mangoes and uninterrupted rest times.
If in need of some deep powerful healing I can’t recommend Lynn enough. She is an incredibly kind and compassionate healer and she truly has love in her heart for all humans and a strong desire to help.” — Sigrira Perret-Gentil Savitski, Animal Intuitive
“Lynn sure knows how to work with energy. I’ve had several sessions with her. Results included a cessation of severe hip pain, more energy and greater enthusiasm for life. I’m not sure why her technique works, but what matters for me is that it does work.”
“Lynn, … What you do is very powerful….”
“Thank you for your words. I feel encouraged and supported, just reading it. … Our next session is tomorrow! … I am so happy and lucky to know you.”
“I’m sitting up straight now on my chair and feel a lot of very pleasant, subtle fine energies running all over me and in me and it’s very relaxing! So I feel it very clearly. Very different feelings before and after the healing! Thank you! …”
Do you yearn to be a mom?
“After a year of unsuccessfully trying to conceive a child, I had a Touching the Light session with Lynn. I followed her advice and suggestions on how to clear my head and heart of what was holding me back from creating my child. Two weeks later I conceived. Thank you, Lynn, for changing my life! Love u to the moon!” — Francesca S.
Have you experienced a devastating loss?
“Born three months early at 27 weeks and 5 days, Jack was 2 lb 5 oz and Bridget was 1lb 7oz. They both had lots of complications but Bridget many more because she had to have a central line put in.
The session I had with you was very healing. It was a shift in my thoughts and beliefs about the birth of my children and the loss of my daughter Lindsey. It was freeing to let go of the disappointments and the grief I had carried for 7 years. I blamed myself for Lindsey’s passing. You were able to shift my perspective on the events that occurred.
It really was a miracle to have her in my life if only for a few hours. It was very healing to describe all the synchronicities that all let me know she was going home to God.
I feel lighter, and more at peace that it was God’s will to have her become our guardian Angel. I will always repeat to myself that Lindsey is always with me.
Thank you so much Lynn … for your healing energy and my new way of thinking about their birth. Now I am certain that it was all God’s will and we are so blessed and fortune to have such a happy life. We will all keep Lindsey close in our hearts. We will call on her whenever we need her guidance.
I am so happy to have had that breakthrough with you. That sadness that I carried for many years really seems to be gone.
With a very grateful heart I say THANK YOU!
Much love and gratitude,” — Sheila Hooley Sheeran, Chatham, MA
Do you have a chronic serious condition?
“I had a serious skin condition for over three years. I tried traditional medicine, acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, reiki and a variety of other traditional and complementary approaches with very little improvement. About five months ago, I had my first out of three Touching the Light Sessions with you, and after an initial adjustment period of just over a week, my body has stabilized with 90% improvement. Based on my personal experience and what I have seen this healing modality do for others as well, I would recommend Touching the Light for any physical, emotional or spiritual challenges one might be having. Thank you so much.” — Lynn Paschke Brown, Pompano Beach, FL
“Hi Lynn, I’m feeling, experiencing and sensing pleasant, warm and clear energy moving in and around my energy field/body. Tinglings and movements over my skin and through my body. It feels like being in a huge beneficial microwave oven. Very physically tangible. Penetrating and protective.
How is this miracle possible?” — Bert W., a long-distance healing on another continent
Do you or someone you love have cancer?
“My experience with Lynn has been quite amazing. I highly recommend her.
After months of searching for the next step in my healing journey, I discovered the ttlharmony.com website. A sense of love, felt while reading the various articles and helpful resources, immediately attracted me. During our initial introductory conversation, a casual telephone meeting, I felt a significant surge of refreshing energy. Lynn then created a space for me to feel safe and clear-minded. As the work began, I was completely shocked by her total sacrifice of time to listen so carefully to my issues. It felt like the universe completely stopped in motion to untangle and resolve all pain and confusion.
During the energy work, it was an experience like traveling beyond the veil. I felt movement on and around my body even though I live 1,000 miles away! The most wonderful, magical part, was beautiful, vibrant, colored light seen with closed eyes, radiating above my forehead. Honestly, the experience was spiritual; there is nothing so beautiful or powerfully moving in this dimension. Each session a different color appeared, and I accepted each one as a spiritual gem. Even now, as I think about them I feel Joy and Wonder. Layers and layers of healing took place over the months we worked together.
Before working with Lynn, my days were filled with too much reactive emotion and too much frustration over my unresolved 12-year health crisis (aggressive autoimmune problem and cancer.) Now, I do not spend time grinding away in my mind the same old issues. Now, I practice keeping my heart open. This allows me to have an entirely new relationship with the universe. With Lynn’s help, I experienced a life-changing shift. I love her! She is absolutely committed to her work.” — Suzanne McGinnis
“I was privileged and fortunate to meet this compassionate woman, Lynn Bachrach, a gifted human being. She generously shares spiritual insights along with the experience of tremendous positive energy on a physical level. When together, I felt enormous joy, uplifting, illumination, positiveness and emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.
One day I approached Lynn with tears in my eyes, sharing that I had an aunt in Bulgaria who was 58 years old and battling metastatic brain cancer. Doctors completely gave up on her and told her there was absolutely nothing they could do for her. Lynn was kind and supportive, and offered to work on Auntie with the desire, hope and love to help another human being that she never met.
Lynn provided weekly sessions for my aunt who lived on a different continent. Auntie had an incredible desire to live and felt immediate improvement. She could feel the boosting of energy, wellness and unconditional hope. Sometimes she felt the energy so strongly, she said it felt like flying.
Lynn’s long-distance sessions helped Auntie’s soul and physical body, and had a vast influence on Auntie’s psychological and emotional well-being. Auntie was fortunate and lucky to have Lynn in her life. She often said, “Lynn is my angel, sent from above to help….”
Lynn is an amazingly gifted, knowledgeable, patient, warm person with a big heart full of love and desire to serve and help those in need. Words are not enough to express my gratitude and appreciation for the extended time that my Auntie was able to stay with us as a result of Lynn’s support, help and understanding.
I know in my heart this is Lynn’s calling and mission on Earth, her gift and talent given from God to encourage, help, support, love and balance souls in need on our planet.” — Sarah Goldstein, DMD, Bethlehem, PA
Would you like to have a coach help you deal with some things in your life?
“In the 7 months working together, Lynn continues to amaze me with her powerful insights, kindness and professionalism. As a coach, I have very standards for my own coach. I turned to Lynn for her experience as a highly successful entrepreneur. I wanted a miracle; to build a successful coaching practice – without the stress and health issues I had while teaching at University.
Lynn helped me handle relationship and health as well as professional issues. She guided me to see experiences and people that brought me pain in the past as parts of my soul plan carefully preparing me for my mission on earth. As a result, I effortlessly and dramatically shifted my closest relationships to provide me with support and well-being, rather than conflict and strife.
So if you need or want to make significant changes in your life, I highly recommend working with Lynn! You will be deeply grateful for her loving support which saves you much time and energy. Her big picture view will guide you to spot and shift limiting beliefs, perspectives and emotions. Most importantly, Lynn will empower you to gladly take the steps from where you are to where you want to be.” — Aneliya Dimitrova, Ph.D., founder of HealthyCommunication.Us
“Lynn, sweetheart, It was wonderful seeing you again and working together! The biggest take outs I got from yesterday were how as you helped me calm down and enter my heart for guidance, I got a clarity and insight that were impossible before.
Also, your loving support and belief in me showed me how I need to learn to treat myself constantly as I overcome the limiting situation I created with my past limiting beliefs. This morning, I remind myself that I am not my circumstances and my present circumstances are defined by my past thoughts, feelings and actions. My present thoughts, feelings and actions define my future circumstances.
So grateful to you, my dear, for showing me what a difference inner peace can make in how I approach a situation and the level of insight and motivation I get/create. I value your gentle, yet firm approach so much! And I am amazed at how much focus and clarity you have which allows you to guide the use of our time together in such a productive way! Here I see the business – fairy synergy of yours coming through ???! Love, Light and Gratitude – and many hugs – always!”
Do you want more joy, happiness and inner peace?
“I want you to know how grateful I am for YOUR healing abilities??. I believe whole-heartedly in YOU! I feel 1,000% better!?” — Jennifer Adkins
“Sometimes when we are ready, and need it the most, people appear to show that we matter. So much love has been coming my way and today I received the most amazing and intense gift from Lynn S. Bachrach. During our time together, I saw the big-time healers of our universe, Jesus and Archangel Michael. I have never felt or experienced anything like it. They were in the room channeling through her and communicating to me. The messages I received were astounding and I felt a vibration all through my system. God always answers in the most powerful ways. And it was a powerful affirmation that he has not forgotten me. When you are ready to receive, the love of the universe will answer and you will author the most incredible people in your life, right at the perfect time. I have never been so connected and felt so much unconditional love in one sitting! Thank you, Lynn, from the bottom of my heart, for taking the time with me. I love you. It was a wild experience. And for those reading this, contact Lynn if you ever want to experience her amazing ability to channel gifts from above.” — Jennifer Nicole, Deerfield Beach, FL
“Lynn, the session that I had with you over a month ago is hard to explain. I guess the main thing I can really say is that it was life changing. I just don’t know the theories to even describe what you did in an informed way; but, although before your healing session, I thought I was somewhat happy, since I have met you and our session, I somehow am just overall having an experience of inner peace. Somehow, the feeling that I thought I had forgotten has come back to me, a deep inner feeling of peace. The session feels life changing because ever since the session, this feeling has remained with me and it just feels like somehow there has been an inner shift in my being. Also, the way you felt the pain in my hip, that I hadn’t even mentioned to you, and then healed that completely as well, was pretty unbelievable to me. So, thank you so much, I love you.” — Linda Buttrey, Delray Beach, FL
“I received a long distance healing from my dear friend Lynn in August (2015.) The healing energy felt lovely and very strong. I could feel it flowing and it felt like a waterfall cleansing me and I was very relaxed. I felt like I was flying through dimensions and my sons in spirit Juneau and Jarvis were there with me during it.
I felt floaty (in a good way) and enjoyed going outside to my garden. I experienced a profound sense of peace and well-being. A few days later I was inspired to start eating healthier again. I also was guided to finding a crystal pendant that really resonates with me. I think the session activates actual physical healing, but it can also heal on other subtle energetic levels. You may notice synchronicities will occur.
Even though it was long-distance, it felt just as powerful as an in-person healing session does. Highly recommended.” — Sigrira Perret-Gentil Savitski, Atlanta, GA
“I wanted to let you know I’ve been thinking a lot about our session and I do feel that it truly helped me. People like you are a true gift of a glimpse of an elevated world. I was just talking to a girlfriend, who is struggling with some things and I told her about the questions that you asked me about death and my childhood insecurities – this made me realize how fundamentally progressive you were in my healing process.
I don’t have any answers yet, but I’m praying more, and I’m more determined to absorb the pain when it comes and embrace it. Writing has gotten easier, and I think you’ve cleared the way for me to discover some things about myself that has made me less judgmental. I appreciated that you didn’t try to give me any answers and you forced me to work through it on my own.
Thank you for sharing your gifts with me, Lynn. You are a blessing to the world and you have two grateful souls praying for you as well…. May God continue to bless you and the people you touch. Love, Sarah”
“Re: Future’s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades
Dear Lynn,
Things continue to go well with me after the session you gave me. I would love to line up another session when possible…. Much has happened since then…. It really made a difference to uncord my heart and mind….” — Robert, Boise
“WOW, Lynn. So grateful for your help and assistance today what a huge transformation shift. I knew I was ready however did not know what the magnitude would be and Yes your assistance as a most extraordinary healer was indeed appreciated.” — Anthousa Helena, LMHC, LMT, D. Div.
“Dear Lynn, I’ve been meaning to write to you. Since the healing, things have been so much better in my life. Thank you! The session was very beneficial….” — SS, Boise
“Lynn you are AMAZING! Thank you for your caring time this morning. I feel so much more empowered.” — Eman Chambers, West Palm Beach, FL
“Thank you so much Lynn, I was planning on emailing you in a little while. I too enjoyed the session yesterday…. Thank you for reminding me of things I know to do. I will get the book immediately. I am very ready for the change that has come to me. Thank you for being a matchstick to activating my light. I will be in touch.”
Much Gratitude and Love to You, Wishing you Joy” — Joy
“Just want to give you the good news that mom is going home today! Yeaaa!!!! I am so relieved and happy. She is back to herself again. She doesn’t feel any nausea anymore and is able to eat as well.
I must say that I visually witnessed the change in her after you worked on her…she steadily and consistently improved from that evening on…..it is amazing – and you my dear are a true healer.”
“I have been doing fantastic. I feel such a sense of healing emotionally and physically. I feel stronger and more balanced than I have in years. I have enthusiasm for living life again and it is such a wonderful feeling. Thank you so much for such a special healing. It has made such a difference in my life.”
“Thank you for … the session I experienced Monday. I feel like I am on the right path now. You are truly gifted.”
“Hi, Lynn. In the spirit of Thanksgiving and gratitude, I’d like to thank you for slowing down my rapid aging post healing. Wrinkles seem less defined and my hair stopped greying so quickly. My soul feels lighter going into the holiday season. I hope you receive as many blessings as you are able to share during this magical time of the year.”
“It was lovely meeting you this past weekend. You have truly made a impact on my healing process, so thank you so much. Each day that goes by your healing has come through one way or another so again, thank you so much. My time with you will be something I will carry on throughout my healing process and my entire life….I will keep in touch with you my friend. Lots of love.”
Are you feeling called to ascend?
“Lynn, the Living Light Symbols session significantly accelerated the process of my ascension, which is something I have been yearning for with all my Soul and was a pivotal and transformational experience for me. You won’t believe how remarkable I am feeling. And, my vibration has not diminished since the initiation and attunement session yesterday morning. My awareness is so much broader and sharper. I feel so connected. My vibration has raised to a new level. The energy is amazing!!!!! My body feels more centered and balanced. I am living and responding from the center of my brain-heart-mind. I am SO connected. My body is so light, I feel like I am floating. Also, it feels as though the center of my head is tuning me into a frequency of balance automatically. It feels like my brain shifts the frequency to keep me balanced. I can actually feel this process. I do not have to do anything. Before, I had to take deep breaths to center myself or meditate, but now, all I have to do “IS BE.” This is so exciting….
Lynn, you are a wonderful and powerful lightworker. I want to capture the true essence of my experience so your clients can know how awesome the session was and you will be able to help a lot of others ascend….
The experience began earlier the evening before our session. I was in bed and wanted to read some after rituals. Well, after half an hour or so later, I felt this real strong sensation come over me. I just basked in it. I knew the session had begun. I laid back to be more comfortable. The next thing I remember was being with Beings. They were working on me. I could feel manipulation in my spine and very high vibrations all around me. The place was very comfortable. I was on a bed/table kind of a thing. I could feel so much movement in my body. Like my cells were changing or something. I saw a large ball of energy of some kind merge with me. Then I heard, “Let’s finish later, give her some rest, her session is at 4:30 am. We will pick back up at 4:00 am.” Next thing I knew, I opened my eyes and it was 2:19 am. I rested and stayed in that high vibration for at least another hour. It started again at 4:00 am and I felt something in the middle of my head, in the brain area. Then, I could feel hands, yours, on my crown. You were finishing up. I knew the session had come to a close. I opened my eyes and the email dinged immediately. It was you emailing me to let me know that you had just finished our session. The timing was perfect. The vibrations were still very strong at that point, I felt a kind of shaking too. My body is starting to calm down some now. I can still feel a presence. The last thing I felt was you closing my crown. I literally felt this happen. That is how I knew so well that the session was complete. It was as if I had brain surgery and my etheric skull was open, then both sides were pulled back together and closed with a brilliant light, not stitches. My Soul wanted me to know for a fact that the multidimensional levels were activated.
Thank you so much. I knew it would be great for both of us. My Soul was waiting for this to happen. I love you so much,” — Kimberly, Evans, GA
Qigong Healing Classes
I provided 114 Qigong healing classes that served 470 clients from June 4, 2011 – January 15, 2013. Participants left class with their stress levels reduced by about two-thirds and pain levels by about one-half. Stress and pain levels were tracked on a scale of zero (perfect) to 10 (most challenged) before and after class.
My path has evolved and I am no longer providing Qigong healing classes. However, since these classes included abbreviated energy healing sessions, I thought it might be useful to share some of the expressions of gratitude from people who attended.
“Thank you for an amazing experience. I felt better than I have in a long time. I felt at peace. My anxiety and stress went from a 10 to really a 4 maybe less.”
“Lynn, I truly had a great experience, I think instead of the tape in the background I was actually hearing messages directed at me specifically. I felt a lot of physical motion, especially in the right arm, which was better after the session, but still acts up a bit, but not as much. I also was overcome by a lot of emotion, I don’t know if it was released or not, but at the end of the session I was sitting on the table and my body went into lengthy free flow swinging, really sort of out of my control, I just let it go. When I left, I felt quite a bit of joy, and outside saw this fabulous rainbow, full blown end to end in rich colors. It all added to a sense of great wellbeing. Thanks.”
“The hour-long healing was quite special, I left feeling very up and good, still don’t know exactly what happened, but the feeling was terrific, I must have been in a very deep state, because I was a bit spaced out all evening and slept well … thanx….”
“It was amazing … left class feeling rejuvenated.”
“Lynn guided us through a wonderful, transforming class. I came in with stress and severe pain and today I feel much better emotionally and my pain is diminished by 70%. Thank you Lynn, for an exceptional experience!”
“I had a healing experience and I am in awe as to how easily and matter-of-fact it happened.”
“OMG!!!!! The next morning I am still feeling as if I am so much lighter. My spirit has been revived. Thank you, Lynn!”
“The energy is amazing, the results profound…. I am so happy I met you. I was talking with A, she also loves it … that none of our spiritual modalities we experienced so far, even Kabbalah, gave us those results – stress relief, energy, uplifting, peace…. Thank you so, so very much. I love you so much….”
“I can’t explain what happened but, I left the session with a feeling of well-being and total relaxation. The energy in the group is mystical. I had persistent pain in the right side of my lower back for a while now, and after the Theta healing, it is gone. It has been five hours since the experience and I am still pain free. Thank you, Lynn for your prayer and to the group for theirs. I will see you next Saturday. God bless you all.”
“I am leaving without pain!”
“Personally for me, a very healing class, I really appreciated Lynn’s healing work….”
“Excellent. Lynn was great and I got a great deal out of it.”
“Saturday’s class was excellent, this was my first experience with qigong and I enjoyed it very much. I especially enjoyed meeting Lynn.”
“I still feel renewed and determined the day after. Feeling much better physically and have much more clarity and confidence in moving forward in my life.”
“Excellent experience, it was different than anything else I have been exposed to, very warm atmosphere, very friendly, touching, loving, giving instructor-organizer.”
“…I get so much out of it when I go, that I have come to miss it if I don’t attend. Also, I forgot to put post numbers the week prior when I went. I was down to 0 in stress and 1 in pain. Also, my eye is doing well and has improved and stabilized. I will be going to the doctor this week for my three-month follow-up….”
“…The class is so important to me, it has such an impact on my life, I feel wonderful….”
“Walked in with pain, walked out ready to walk down the beach!”
“I am in awe!”
“The best.”
“Fabulously delicious!”
“Love! Thank you!”
“Always great…”
“Very profound and healing experience.”
“Very powerful technique to get energy moving . . . “
“Got the energy moving … Felt much better afterwards …”
“It was a great class, wish I could go everyday. I plan to go back next week.”
“Love to go again.”
“Beautiful experience. Thank you.”
“My first Qigong Class! Feel very peaceful.”
“I really enjoyed Saturday’s session.”
“Great time! Lynn was a lot of fun and very inspiring. The kids loved her too!”
“Very helpful, relaxing, uplifting.”
“This group is very relaxing and enjoyable.”
“Good work, pleasant instructor and group.”
“Excellent, as always. Uplifting, inspiring, soothing, calming, balancing.”
“Inspirational, very effective, as always.”
“Wonderful!! Thx!!”
“Wonderful, thanks.”
“Lynn was awesome – kept me understanding every step of the class.”
“Very nice – learned a lot, relaxing.”
“It was a great experience. Thanks, Lynn.”
“It was a great experience. I felt very relaxed. Thank you very much, Lynn.”
“Very relaxing, balancing, uplifting. Lynn is a warm, gifted, giving, amazing person. I am so happy I met her and I am grateful for the opportunity to be exposed to Qigong.”
“As with the other times I have attended, I left refreshed, renewed and ready to face the challenges of my day. Looks like I was successful! Thank you, Lynn.”
“Looking forward to the next one!”
“Attended for the first time last week and was impressed. Could use a healing session tomorrow. Thanks.”
“Amazing! I must go back. All I know is that there must be a world of discovery for me by being part of this group.”
Community Energy Healings
In the eight completed, five-minute Community Energy Healings, the channeled energy on average helped the communities of 111 people reduce their stress and pain levels significantly. The “before” stress levels of an average of 4.1 out of 10 dropped to 1.9, a reduction of 54%, and the “before” pain levels fell from an average of 3.4 to 1.9, a reduction of 44%, after these five-minute community energy healing experiences.
Please note that in the event at Flowlife Holistic Lounge we experimented with a different scale and terminology. In place of the traditional “stress” and “pain” levels, we used what we thought might be a more positive measure — changes in “emotional well-being” and “physical well-being.” For future events, we have decided to revert to the more commonly used and accepted stress and pain scale, which appears easier to understand and quantify. The Flowlife participants reacted positively to the experience, but the numbers were not quite as high as using the previous definitions and scale. This was not an “apples to apples” comparison. Still, we decided to incorporate the data since they would not inflate the “positive” numbers in the study. We trust that over time, the long-term averages will give us a good overall idea of the impact of these experiences. In conclusion, even though we used a different scale in this one event, by integrating these approximate numbers, we feel the overall data will be more complete.
These results are extremely similar to those experienced during the 114 Qigong healing classes with 470 participants we held from June 4, 2011, to January 15, 2013. Participants left the 1.5 hour classes with their stress levels on average reduced by about two-thirds and pain levels by about one-half. The big difference is that the classes lasted 1.5 hours, where these holding space for community energy healing experiences last just five minutes.
Here are comments from participants in my five-minute Community Energy Healing experiences.
“It was amazing! I think I just experienced my Kundalini moving.” [Please note: this participant reported a reduction in stress from eight out of ten in stress and seven out of ten in pain, to zero in both categories, after a five-minute community energy healing experience.]
“Thank you to both you and Kingsley for this morning’s presentation. … It is always spell-binding to listen to Kingsley. … [He] was always a good storyteller, but oh my he just keeps getting better! Hard to believe he could improve on excellence, but he has! … Your exercise left me speechless!! And that doesn’t happen often. All I really wanted to say was WOW! … Thank you again, my dear Lynn. Love and hugs …” — Lesleen Bolt, President, Rotary Club of Fort Lauderdale South
“We were so fortunate to have Kingsley and Lynn as special guests at our Cuups meeting on Thursday night. Together they create a truly enhanced experience that leads one perfectly into reading this very special book. This was not the first time that I attended this presentation yet I felt the enthusiasm and excitement all over again. Kingsley’s description of his worldwide adventures as well as his psychic experiences here in this country are mesmerizing. The manifestation of the Saraswati statue gives me chills every time. The healing rattle at the end of the presentation is life-changing. Everyone present felt the vibration.
Lynn and Kingsley both are healers and beautiful human beings. This presentation is not to be missed. We look forward to having them back again to share each new leg of their Journey.” — Alba Kauffman
“I had always thought of healing as something for the body, but the sounds vibrated through my mind tonight and I could feel layers of stress falling from my mind. My home environment and family are the worst they’ve ever been, but tonight I feel so so much more at peace. Thank you. xoxo”
“Became completely relaxed by the rattle. Entered trance state of complete relaxation. Muscle cramps experienced before healing were gone. Bursitis pain alleviated. Hip pain more bearable. Stress was not bad before, but felt more at ease after. Thank you!”
“The rattling relieved my desire to fidget in my seat. I was able to be still, which is normally hard for me. The sound of the singing bowl opened my sense awareness, and I could hear every sound in the room. The ending silence “lifted” the stress and pain, or rather I was lifted above these feelings and could leave the stress and pain behind while I existed outside of it. Thank you!” — Luna
“Twice I felt shifts as if it was drawing the pain out.”
“Thanks, Lynn! We enjoyed having you guide us to pain and stress relief!” — Rotary Club of Fort Lauderdale South
“Towards the end I saw beautiful colors going from violet to royal blue to lavender. Vibrations were very intense in my right ear which is my deaf side.”
“Towards the end I started seeing colored lights sliding before my eyes, green and yellow.”
” … saw two flashes of light.”
“My headache went away and my neck stopped hurting. I also feel more at peace.”
“… Feeling more tranquility and less shoulder pain. Thank you!”
“Feeling very relaxed after. Enlightened.”
“I certainly felt less stress afterwards and I most definitely have less pain as well. Namaste.”
“Deep breathing and sound bath is very calming for me.”
“Felt something good – calm experience.”
“Vibrating at the end!”
“Feel very warm and chills.”
“Definite physical presence during your space holding. Thank you.”
“I have fibromyalgia. It was interesting, I felt warmth as you passed by.”
“Felt a breeze of cold air.”
“Rattles’ sound very trancing.”
“Really felt peaceful when the rattles were over my head.”
“… Tonight was truly wonderful …” — Barbara Van Voast, Owner, Van Voast Interiors
“Great energy. Thank you.”
“Saw Red King’s Crown Plush. Time stood still several times. Saw Virgin and baby.”
“… The story of your journey is extremely interesting. I was both amused and had goosebumps about the “coincidences” involving frogs! Thank you!” — Karen Unger, CEO at Affinity Franchise Partners
“Thank you for sharing and healing. Very nice to meet you both and receive all that you offer. We are blessed. Love and happiness, …”
“A very old presence surrounded me. …”
“Sound of rattle focuses your mind to clear it of thoughts that cause stress. Also, pain level is reduced in the same way.”
“I felt a ringing sound when the shaking of the instrument stopped – very peaceful – like floating in space – very relaxed.”
“As the shaking sound increased, I closed my eyes and entered a meditative state where I was attempting to echo or be in synch with the vibrations. That was calming for me as the environment felt more comfortable. I felt more at ease and a warm sensation in my body. It felt good.”
“Never experienced healing with the rattle like that. Wonderful.”
“What a wonderful event. I highly recommend going to the next one.”
“Path to spiritual healing.”
“Wonderful! Enjoyed.”
“Enjoyed it. Thanks.”
“Notable difference!”
“Works for me. Thanks.”
“A very interesting experience. Thank you! …”
“I was invited or had the opportunity to be in three other places tonight but “something” led me here. Now that is synchronous. Thank you!”
“My posture became more erect and helped to alleviate tension and pain. Feel light-headed – which is good!”
“Thank you so much for sharing this ceremony with us. I don’t have a tremendous amount of pain or stress, but I felt it was a strong, calming, positive experience and I’m so glad to have been able to share it.”
“Very relaxing! Thank you!”
“This was my first experience with this type of healing. Thank you.”
“Relaxing, calming experience …”
“Warm hands …”
“Experienced relaxation and a calmness.”
” … my perspective on dealing [with my stress] changed.”
“So relaxing. I could have gone to sleep. Could feel the stress leaving. Great feeling.”
“…very touching. …”
“Right place.
“Thank you!”
“Thank you!”
I am honored and grateful to be a part of the exciting and innovative Broward Health Imperial Point Holistic Caring Council, where I was given the opportunity and support to share the first Community Energy Healings.
On the average (see the chart below) with just two- or three-minute Community Energy Healings, the channeled energy was able to help this community of hospital employees reduce their stress and pain levels by about 40%. Since the three-minute healing was more effective than the two-minute one, we are currently experimenting with slightly longer healings. Our goal is to find the ideal length for achieving the most profound results, in the least amount of time.

Here is what other participants in the Holistic Caring Council Broward Health Imperial Point experiences had to say.
“Thank you for such a wonderful, caring experience. Very enlightening.”
“The universe has been pushing (dragging!) me towards a higher conscience. I was meant to be here on this council to change my path in life. Thank you for your contributions!”
“Thank you for this opportunity. Wonderful. I have a lot of work to do!”
Home and Land Energy Healings
I am experiencing strong, warm magnetic waves of energy continuously moving through my physical body. Amazing. I can’t find the right words to describe how much I am amazed. I am having warm, relaxing sensations all over.
The whole day long, there was a bad smell in the lower part of my house coming from an outlet/draining pipe/waste pan and it is gone now. I just walked around and it’s gone.
I already see more lightness. I can see the air and the experience is different – it is difficult to put into words. I am so grateful.”
[and more the following day:] “I slept very deep. The quality of my sleep was different than usual.
I still feel the tinglings and ticklings all over my skin and the light soft energies are also still around me and in me, moving through my whole body. It feels warm, softening and very pleasant.
The bad smell from yesterday in the house totally disappeared.
The energies in my body are refined but very clear and quite strong. I’m not making this up, I’m not fantasizing this, the energy is very tangible physically in my body. It feels like a surrounding and penetrating soft warm magnetic shield or cloud. I also sense it is detoxifying my body. I notice it on my skin, in my breathing and digestion.”
— Marc O., the Netherlands