A New Day

oh, my


it is a new day

a new day

I have a new Teacher

well, maybe she’s not new per se

maybe I’m just stepping up to the plate to realize and recognize

and honor her



I am learning to slow down a bit

maybe yes indeed

another soul in human body my dear friend Sigrira is right

oh yes

she is another Teacher

I really don’t need all those classes that you go to and pay for


it is all right here


that is part of why I am here

with my babies alone on this divine mountaintop

and like the Living Light Language

you know

I think Nature is indeed teaching me through my heart

that’s why I’m crying just a tad inside

just feeling the Love

thank you


for helping me realize

and remember

this adventure this rich path through the forest

to discover

to open


to the richness of connection with God I yearn for

love and blessings to all,