A Moment in Time

I haven’t written a poem, I don’t think for a few days

so, let’s check-in and see how things are going

mainly magic, “me thinks”


oh, just back again from walking down the mountain with my babies

we have a few steep climbs

but in-between we perch and breathe in the flowing stream quiet and birds

I have to find out, there is some kind of a conch sound, almost like a French horn that we hear and there are tinkling sounds sometimes too that I’ve checked and really don’t seem to be coming from the babies, faeries perhaps?

but, one thing I know for sure

there is magic



Machaelle Small Wright is teaching me things, paving the way

and I have a knowingness that all I yearn for and desire is opening

almost as if the world is in my heart?

does that make sense?

so if you turn your heart inside out like unfolding a twisted sweater and then just stretch it out wide and let go

the whole world is there

maybe in miniature just waiting to expand

what is possible?

I’m getting the sense that a part of this “riddle” if you will for me has to do with humankind’s essence of ego and Nature’s of balance

when we intend and implement the balance of Nature, can we fly?

can we create, maybe in a different way than when people talk about manifesting

but co-create with Nature most anything?

maybe as long as it is in balance and in the highest and best for all concerned?

and something is also just on the periphery of my ear

and I am sensing this too

we shall see

but, what do you think?

do things fly easily and abundantly when they are 100% pure?

no commercial (hidden) agendas

just pure being

love and contribution

so, I am somehow feeling both very small and very large at the same time

I bid you adieu for the moment

with an excited breath

for flying

take care, be good, loving and courageous

love and hugs from Lynn on the mountain ?