Neuroscience Letters Proving ESP

This article was written by the renowned near-death author and thought leader, P.M.H. Atwater.


In Mensa Bulletin, October 2013, article “The New Science,” author Craig Phelon reveals some incredible stuff – that scientific research may be changing perceptions of “supernatural” and “natural.” Forget New Age thinking. Enter mainstream physicists. Einstein and his “spooky actions.” Brian Josephson, a Nobel laureate in physics, admits that work like that of Dean Radin, “shows the evidence in favor of (paranormal) existence is overwhelming.”

There are now demonstrations of a physical link between ESP performance and known functions of the brain – as well as the existence of corresponding brain activity between a psychic and his subject. Research by neuroscientist Michael A. Persinger of Canada’s Laurentian University with Sean Lalsingh Harribance, a Houston-based psychic, is reported to have proven the existence of telepathy – transmission of information from one person to another without using known sensory channels – under laboratory conditions. This is now referred to as the “Harribance Effect.” Earlier tests found anomalies in Harribance’s brain, as well as that of psychic Ingo Swann, further linking ESP performance to the physical world.

Yes, you can say the words: ESP has now been proven. It is physically real and has been established as such during stringent clinical laboratory trials. This and other such findings will be published this year in the online journal, “Neuroscience Letters.”