Stepping into Your Power, Divine Timing and the Emperor Has No Clothes …

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You know how in The Secret and other books, all these self-help-type experts say how their lives took on speed and things just got great and wonderful for them, once they started to live their life purpose?

Well, one thing about this I always wondered.

Maybe a little bit like an Emperor Has No Clothes kind of a wonder….

And, what I wondered was, oh, OK, you got happy but it seemed as though in the same breath many of them mentioned all these grand homes and materials things. So, I guess I always kind of wondered about all their seeming euphoria, what it was really based on and where did the real wherewithal come from. Were they so happy because they were providing cool self actualization-type support while the rest of us were doing other less cool things that actually provided for their happy lifestyles?

So, I kind of wanted to take a snap-shot of where I stand in my life at the moment and notice and test some things out.

Guess I feel as though I am 100% living my passion. Have switched everything around (with the help of my amazing husband.) Moved where we live. Changed what I do. Learned (and learning!) new stuff all the time.

And, I definitely feel I have stepped into my power, feel the ocean that I always knew was there inside of me blossoming fast.

But, I am at the precipice of helping a lot of people, and at this moment, just getting off the ground and helping just a few. Giving a class that shares my passion and a few energetic balancings a week, trust me, financially at this point nothing to write home about.

However, this is why I wanted to take this snapshot.

I am happy.

I am fulfilled.

My heart is full.

I am living my passion and my dream.

Yes, I know this is all going to expand and I am going to help a lot more people.

But, I did want to notice this moment before all that is there to test and see how my life tests out for what they talked about in The Secret and what Master Lin talks about in Spring Forest Qigong, etc.

So, based on my experience.

Have to say, yes. What they say IS true.

If my experience is applicable, have the courage to do what your heart says. Live your passions. And you will feel fulfilled. The Vianna Stibal (ThetaHealing™) helps us learn how to manifest whatever we want in our lives. So, still working on it, but pretty sure my earlier thinking about the source of wealth was mistaken. There is abundance in the universe. When we live our life purposes, doors do open faster and stuff pours in. Anyway, the purpose of this little note was to take the snapshot to answer, at least from my experience, where the euphoria comes from when you live your life purpose.

Stay tuned….

With light and love,
