Natural Health and Cancer

Our intention for writing this is to first, get clarity for ourselves on what the issues are; and secondly, to be a reliable voice for others with similar inclinations and an influential voice for those of different inclinations but nonetheless some openness to new ideas. Please note that what we are writing here is a combination of what we know and have learned combined more importantly with divine inspiration from our heart and the best, most truthful answers we get as of today. We will continually update this section to reflect expanded insights.

We believe that a variety of integrative or natural-type approaches for maintaining health and returning to health are currently available that have impressive cancer cure success rates without negative side effects (see below for further details.) We believe that there are some fundamental, spiritually-evolved insights and understandings about how life works that can be added to integrative medicine. That is, rather than just being physical beings, our physical bodies are really holographic, dense energy reflections of energy forms such as beliefs and feelings. Imbalanced energy can express in cancer and other diseases to get our attention.

What Is Health?

Health is our natural equilibrium state of being.

What Is The Purpose Of All Of Us Having A Physical Body Experience Now Here On The Earth?

A lot of forces have coordinated to give us this opportunity to have this physical body, third-dimensional experience. We believe we chose to have this experience, we are indeed courageous souls!, to learn some profound stuff about love. And, somehow it seems as though a key learning method we humans have been using as our “go-to” method is to learn what is by experiencing what is not.

Can You Give Us Some Examples Of How We Learn By Experiencing What Is Not?

Sometimes it seems amazing how much of our world is upside-down and a reflection of exactly the opposite of what we believe is the truth. Much of our society seems to be based on a fundamental belief that each one of us is separate rather than that we are like cells all a part of Mother Earth/Gaia. Our interpersonal relationships as well as our politics, wars and international relations seem to reflect a basic belief that there isn’t enough to go around in any way so we have competition and fighting and live with a sense of scarcity, rather than knowing we are actually all God-like and ultimately as we evolve spiritually, we can all have everything we want. Not sure we fully know about religions per se, however; believe that many/some (?) of the fundamental beliefs in religion suggest a duality and hierarchy, e.g. my way is right and yours wrong, rather than each of us having a deep inner personal knowingness of spirit.

Our current healthcare system is built on some fundamental beliefs that don’t resonate for us. Things like we routinely need artificial substances to add to our bodies to correct things, rather than that each of us humans has a deep inner knowing that when we feel hurts or problems that those are usually communications to us that something in our lives requires adjustment to return to our naturally healthy, happy states. And, that by using artificial substances over time additional imbalances can build. Mainstream medicine seems to be based on a physical/mechanical orientation of how our bodies work. Instead, it is our strong understanding/belief that the physical body is really a holographic, dense energy reflection of other more fundamental, causative aspects. Things like energy and forms of energy like our beliefs and our emotions and maybe other energetic forces from other realms as well. Beyond this, many of today’s spiritual thought leaders and channels from higher vibration dimensions discuss how humans are now in the process of changing our very structure. Barbara Marx Hubbard with conscious evolution and others discuss how our bodies have a carbon-based DNA structure that is evolving to awaken the DNA that some have referred to as “junk DNA” to blossom into becoming crystalline-based beings. So, we are now in an era where many are making available choices to ascend, i.e. to experience a form of existence where humans can blossom into beings of light and love that can experience life as a third-dimensional or a fifth-dimensional being as desired, without any further incarnations or death.

Or looking at things more on a micro-level, think about nutrition and lifestyle recommendations. For example, it seems many people think that the balance between calories and exercise is what is creating Americans’ omnipresent obesity. Maybe this has grown from the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, nonetheless this concept does seem to be a part of many of our basic thoughts about health and nutrition. Instead, we believe a key cause is the quality of the nutrients that people are taking into their bodies, all the non-alive, processed stuff with GMOs and unnatural chemicals. And, fats, well that’s a tricky one and an area where we feel there are still strong disagreements. The official dietary guidelines and many other even alternative-type thought leaders still recommend an overall low fat approach. However, we do find David Perlmutter, M.D. and Daniel G. Amen, M.D.’s strong recommendations regarding the importance of incorporating good fats from clean sources for our overall health as well as the health of our brains, as very compelling. And, we have been told to wear sunscreen and that too much sun causes cancer, where it appears that the sunscreen may actually be a factor contributing to cancer and vitamin D from the sun is hugely important to our health and low levels of this can be a significant contributor to health challenges. So, (using nutrition as a metaphor for our whole third-dimensional life experience) it often seems as though so many nutritional recommendations from even sources that appear to be well researched and supposedly reliable aren’t really giving us recommendations that reflect the truth based on our understandings of how life really works.

What Creates Un-Health?

Last night, we believe Archangel Raphael, channeled by the inspiring Phillip Elton Collins of the Angel News Network, said the cause of all diseases starts in the emotional body. And, this overall concept reflects a belief that we have heard for a long time from other authentically committed, spiritual people whom we respect, like Master Lin of Spring Forest Qigong, etc. as well.
So, what does this mean? Does it mean that love trumps all? That is, even if say we eat only toxins and surround ourselves with toxins that just like a person who is surrounded by germs but doesn’t get sick, that pervasive self-, other-directed and divine healing love and light trumps all? Yes, we believe that, and possibly also particularly so if we also combine that with a belief that that is true.

But, let’s “test” this against some things we see happen in our third-dimensional life experience. If this were completely true, why would Mother Teresa or the Dalai Lama experience some health challenges? Most likely it seems to us that maybe they took/take some of their deep compassion or possibly related concerns for the world into their own fields? If not, possibly they had/have some beliefs about health that relate to getting sick sometimes or no matter how evolved we are, maybe there are still human issues we need to work on?

And, what about the toxic world that we are experiencing in our third-dimensional experience now, in what Mike Adams, the Health Ranger refers to as, “the Age of Toxicity,” that also seems to be directly related to the huge increase in the prevalence of cancer? Is it the toxic beliefs and emotions that are causing all our imbalances or are some of the physical toxins just directly impacting our physical bodies? On a similar vein, since it appears that so many people are able to cure themselves naturally from cancer by effectively nourishing and detoxifying their bodies, then wouldn’t that possibly imply that the cause was related to the body being toxic? Before answering these questions about toxins directly, let’s consider the respected pioneering psychologist, Larry LeShan, Ph.D.’s extensive experience working closely with many cancer clients, hasn’t he said that unless someone heals their emotions, they won’t get well? And, finally, per Dr. Mercola, even the conventional Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that 85% of disease is caused by emotions. So, about the toxins, we believe what this is all saying is that even though we are all living in a very toxic external environment, and even though the cleaning the body-type natural approaches have very impressive cure rates, that when you look at which specific people are being cured with that particular natural approach, maybe the ones who couple the fundamental emotional component with physical nourishment and detoxification get the best results.

What does Traditional Chinese Medicine say? Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ) teaches that energy blockages are what cause all imbalances in the body. And, Master Lin breaks that down further by saying that there are a variety of causes for energy blockages; including, unbalanced emotions (which Master Lin says is the biggest cause), nutrition, weather and seasons, environment, wrong medication and injury. Further, Master Lin says that most blockages first start at the spiritual level and unless addressed and harmonized, can ultimately then show up on the denser, physical level. What does this mean? Maybe that our spiritual level, e.g. our emotions and beliefs, etc. are key and this helps explain why, for example, one person who experiences an extreme weather change might get sick, whereas another might not. Or, why we get an injury in one specific place in our body rather than another. So, when using a somewhat less literal interpretation of what we believe we heard Archangel Raphael say, i.e. that the cause of all diseases starts at a spiritual level, then what Master Lin of SFQ says seems to resonate with this.

What about multidimensional energy healing? Does what we know from our own personal observations, experiences and teachings from this support Archangel Raphael’s insight that all diseases start in the emotional body? According to a multidimensional energy healing process called Touching the Light, that was developed by Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D. based on information she downloaded from higher dimensions, the physical body is influenced by a variety of subtle energy bodies, not only the emotional body but other ones as well such as the mental, intuitive, soul bodies, etc. And, we have an experienced-based belief that divine light and love can transmute/heal anything, anything at all, not necessarily every time, but can, within the context of whatever is in that soul’s highest and best interest. So, based on this, in our own mind, we’ll just consider what Archangel Raphael said about the cause of all diseases in a slightly less literal way. Rather than the concept that all diseases start just in the emotional body, maybe we’ll think of it as all diseases start in the emotional, mental or other etheric bodies, i.e. a less dense form of energy than our physical bodies.
Finally, in conclusion, yes, the overall concept of what we believe Archangel Raphael has said does resonate for us as being the truth and it also overall “tests out” in our mind with our observations in this denser, third-dimensional life experience. Said in a slightly less literal way, the cause of all diseases starts with lighter, higher frequency energy forms such as emotions and beliefs. So, absolutely yes, the energy of emotions and beliefs is fundamental and key to our health. And, you know what?! Now that we think of it, Archangel Raphael did mention the energy of beliefs as well.

So, maybe what we remembered in terms of this one statement was taken out of context and this somewhat more inclusive essence of his insights may actually be what he was expressing anyway. In addition, we also believe, as Archangel Raphael and others recommend at other times, that we can help things along a lot by doing things on this denser, third-dimensional, physical body level by integrating whichever healthy natural lifestyle approaches, that may include amongst other things high-vibration foods, to whatever degree calls to us. These approaches can reflect important self love and help us maintain our own health, minimize the risk of getting imbalances in the first place and can also help us naturally return our bodies to health when we get out of balance, when that is in our highest and best interest.

What is Cancer?

Our simplistic understanding of cancer is that misprogrammed cells are routinely created in all of us. Normally, when we have a healthy immune system that isn’t overloaded with e.g. handling toxins, everything is re-balanced and re-harmonized. However, when toxins in the body build up to a level that the immune or other balancing systems aren’t able to return us to balance and harmony, abnormal cancer cells can proliferate. And, it is our understanding that cancer is always a systemic reflection of imbalance in the total body/mind/spirit being that may then materialize in a place(s) in the physical body with energetic vulnerabilities, i.e. that may be associated with specific unresolved issues. In other words, a tumor isn’t the “cause” of the cancer, but a protective body response to encapsulate cancer cell growth that isn’t being balanced otherwise. Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D., internationally bestselling author of a number of intriguing books including, “Touching the Light, What Miracles Are Made Of, Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit By Merging with God Consciousness,” teaches multidimensional energy healing processes and insights that are based on downloads she received from higher realms. This includes the understanding that there are specific frequencies of energies associated with the varying body parts. That is, for example, if you might have issues with giving, then your right hand might experience an injury and if you have issues with receiving, then your left hand might experience an injury, etc.

Are There Effective/Dependable/Natural Ways To Shift The Body To Health If Our Body Has Gotten To A Place Where We Are Expressing Cancer Energies?

Yes. Our knowingness and knowledge about this is an unequivocal yes. There are currently, and have been for a long time, multiple natural and complimentary approaches that can be used to allow the body to regain health, and maybe even a higher level of health as compared with before the cancer imbalance shows in our holographic physical bodies, as long as this is something you desire and in your highest and best interest. Based on these understandings of energy and health, you may want to consider whichever approach(es) resonate in your heart as being the best one(s) for you, that also includes ways to help you heal and resolve emotions and beliefs that may no longer be in your highest and best interest.

What Do Some Key Facts and Figures Tell Us About How We’re Doing Overall with Curing Cancer?
There are a lot of facts and figures out there and different ways that data is looked at, and it isn’t always easy to sift through it all to get “apples to apples” comparisons and simple, reliable clarity. Here is our current best effort to simplify some key issues that seem important to us.
Let’s just take a long historical view of how many Americans have died of cancer in the last just over one hundred years or so. In the last 25 years or so, between 1900 and 1990 the number of people in the US who died related to the cancer energy in their bodies increased steadily, from 64/100,000 people to just over 200 people per 100,000. However, since 1990, the number of Americans who are passing over related to the cancer energy in their bodies has been decreasing, from just over 200 per 100,000 to about 185 per 100,000 in 2011.

(This data is from the U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. National Center for Health Statistics.)

So, what does this information tell us? We believe this means first, in this century, we are consistently doing a slightly better job each year of diagnosing and treating cancer, so for some forms of cancers, people are getting diagnosed earlier and living somewhat longer. However, we believe these more recent improvements may be most accurately viewed within the context that the death rates due to cancer are all still significantly higher than they were in the last century.
In conclusion, then, we believe that in the context of just over one hundred years or so, significantly more Americans are dying of cancer. Since 1880, over 100 years ago, when the risk of dying from cancer was fairly negligible, it has grown to become the number one cause of death in the US for all persons 85 and under and the number one cause of death in the world. That is, compared with 100 years ago where the chance of getting cancer has been estimated to have been one in 33, now one out of every two men and one out of every three women in the US have the risk of developing cancer in their lifetime (until we change the causes of these trends!) There are undoubtedly a lot of reasons for this. To us, it is an indication that there is a great opportunity for major changes in how we live and respond to health challenges if/when they arise.

Finally, Are There Some Key Facts and Figures That Can Give Us An Idea of the Relative Effectiveness of Conventional Vs. Natural (“Alternative”) Treatments?

First, what are the overall cure rates for cancer in the US? For whatever reasons, possibly because the cancer cure rates differ so much by the type of cancer, the best data we could find to date isn’t showing just one number, but instead US Cancer Survivors by Site. And, in this official American Cancer Society source, they define Cancer Survivors as people who have been diagnosed with cancer, from the time of diagnosis through the balance of life; however, they also include as Cancer Survivors people who experience one or more serious, late complications of treatment, who die after a late recurrence, develop a second cancer, live with intermittent periods of active disease requiring treatment. So, to us, this means that the statistics below are an optimistic, high-end estimate of the number of people who are actually being cured of cancer, based on this 2012 official data. With this qualification, these numbers are showing a low of a 2% rate of survival for Female Urinary Bladder Cancer to 9% for Male Colon and Rectum, and then Female Breast and Male Prostate of 41 and 43% respectively.

So, we don’t know about you, but these are official numbers (and, at least for us!, it was a challenge to find reliable raw data to give us answers about how things are really going – there’s a lot of “noise” out there) take our breath away. Even with the qualifications of what Cancer Survivors include, these aren’t real promising statistics, especially when seen in light of the concept of first do no harm.

One more thought on these numbers is that, in our mind anyway, these statistics give overall rates for certain sub-classes if you will of people experiencing cancer energies in the US in 2012. To us, that means this isn’t necessarily telling us how effective say chemotherapy treatments are or surgery or radiation or any of the myriad of natural (“alternative”) approaches. They just give us an overall, to us it seems, very important perspective of what we’re dealing with. Other than a few types of cancer, the overall cure rates aren’t looking real exciting.

Is there a way to “tease out” e.g. how effective say chemotherapy is? When considered by itself, it appears that chemotherapy has only been effective in curing about 2-3% of adults who develop cancer. This is based on a variety of sources including a meta-analysis of all the randomized, controlled clinical trials performed in Australia and the US that reported a statistically significant increase in 5-year survival due to the use of chemotherapy in adult malignancies, based on data from the Australian cancer registries and the US National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) registry over a 14-year period, from January 1990 until January 2004, including 72,903 Australian and 154,971 US adults, published in the Australian journal Clinical Oncology and written by three Australian oncologists, entitled, “The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies.”

What is this meta-analysis saying and are there any key limitations to it? We believe that it is saying that when considered as a modality just by itself, at least the specific chemotherapy regimens used that contributed data to this meta-analysis, chemotherapy isn’t very effective. Please note; however, that we do see potential limitations in the conceptual implications of this meta-analysis, including but not limited to the fact that it appears this meta-analysis just evaluates the implications of chemo alone and chemo is often given in conjunction with other modalities. Also, since this meta-analysis reflects data from ten and more years ago, is it still relevant? First, consider John C. Bailar III, M.D., Ph.D.’s and Heather L. Gornik, M.H.S’s “Cancer Undefeated” article published in the New England Journal of Medicine on May 29, 1997, that reflects a 1986 conclusion based on 35 years of efforts and 12 additional years of data and experience and concludes that the “war against cancer” hasn’t been working along with strong recommendations to focus further on prevention. Then, view the meta-analysis within the context of the overall very modest survivor/cure rates reviewed above. With those considerations, yes, we do feel that the meta-analysis gives us some thought-provoking, order-of-magnitude information about one key conventional treatment approach. That being said, we did want to mention that of course mega-group probabilities are different from what is in the highest and best interest of each individual person. There may well be certain types of cancers and situations where some level of chemotherapy and certainly overall help from conventional oncology can be in a person’s highest and best interest.
If you check out our quickly building Nutrition and Natural Cancer Treatments Recommended Books, you’ll see a number of sources that give details about a variety of currently available and effective natural treatments for cancer. The overall often self-evaluated and reported success rates for natural-type approaches that we have reviewed to date appear to be anywhere between 38-60%. Although, based on a variety of reasons, the data sources, database sizes and possibly the type of clinical trial analysis for the natural “alternative” options are generally more limited than the conventional approaches, the overall success rates for natural approaches considered as a group do appear to be significantly higher and without side effects than the conventional approaches.

Why Are These Concepts Not Common Knowledge At This Time?

So, if there are varying natural approaches with impressive cure rates without all the awful side effects, why isn’t this common knowledge and why are we given very different messages and related statistics and data? Powerful organizations may suppress, compromise and/or present facts and figures differently, so that even our medical doctors may not always have clear, complete information available to them. For example, rather than just looking at direct improvement in cure rates, “relative risk” can be assessed. As Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. explains in his review of the meta-analysis, if a treatment can cause a patient’s risk to drop from four to two percent, this can be expressed as a decrease in relative risk of 50 percent, as compared with expressing that this offers a two percent reduction in absolute risk.

Conventional, Natural (“Alternative”) and Integrative Medicine

It is our understanding that there are three key “buckets” if you will of overall approaches to cancer treatment. And, it is our observation that there are very powerful forces involved and often highly charged feelings between people from the conventional and natural (“alternative”) approaches. However, the good news is!, as our world is rapidly evolving and changing, we notice a wonderful shift from both of the two polarized approaches into Integrative Medicine. We notice a building commitment towards respecting, valuing and integrating the best from both “worlds” for whatever is in the highest and best interest of the person.

Exciting Times

We believe that we are in the last 2,000 years of the last 26,000 year cycle before those of us who choose will ascend to become crystalline-based beings who will live forever lives of love, light, happiness, perfect health for everyone, abundance and joy. So, as so many of us know in our hearts, there is a lot of shaking up going on in our world during this time of upheaval, making way for what we believe will be a wonderful new world to emerge. In the interim, during this time of accelerated spiritual awakening, we believe the truths about energy and feelings and beliefs and natural healing will become known and more pervasively honored and practiced.