Qigong Benefits Survey

What benefits can you anticipate by adding qigong to your life?

On September 8, 2008, we conducted a survey with results from 63 experienced Spring Forest Qigong practitioners in Minneapolis, MN. On the average, they showed a 36% increase in all aspects of their lives, from before practicing qigong to current. The most significant increases were a 40% increase in health, a 38% increase in inner peace and improvement in their stress level, a 33% increase in energy, a 31% increase in spirituality, a 29% increase in their capacity to enjoy life and improvement in the energy in the area where they live, an 18% increase in their relationships with others and a 17% improvement with friends and community. See below for some of their responses about the most important ways that qigong impacted their lives.

“I am completely healed from cancer!”

“Can do self healing myself.”

“Gives me peace of mind about my health problems.”

“Spiritual awareness who I am & how I am connected.”

“Vibrant health and a true spiritual path.”

“Western medicine ignores energy healing, qi works.”

“I have a sense of calmness.”

“Spring Forest Qigong has encouraged my love to shine.”

“Lifted stress, improved aches/pains & spirituality.”

“Health issues have reduced and/or been eliminated.”

“I know I can handle anything, showed me that anything is possible!!!!!”

“No more fibromyalgia!”

“I experience excellent health and enjoy life.”

“Started me on my spiritual path.”

“I am living a healthier lifestyle.”

“It lowered my stress level drastically.”

“Better overall health.”

“Being much more connected body spirit soul.”

“I’m more forgiving of myself and others.”

“Found an avenue to grow as a human being.”